(日本語) English Information about AIU’s 20th Anniversary Project & How to donate

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Akita International University, 20th Anniversary Project
Theme: “Future possibilities of AIU cultivated by AILA (Applied International Liberal Arts).”

Target: 100 million yen
Fundraising Period: March 2019 through March 2025
Number of donors: 445
Funds raised: 56,355,4455 yen as of July 31, 2024
Progress against target: 56.4%

Purposes of Fundraising:

1. Donations will be used to support our students’ PBL activities

    Wisdom that our students acquired through classroom experiences at AIU will be applied and used to solve social problems in Akita and around the world in association with our 203 affiliated institutions in 51 countries and regions. Such problems range from population decrease, depopulation, global warming, alternative energies, preservation of traditional culture & heritage, to local revitalization, to name a few.

2. Donations will be used to improve student services/supports and commemorative events

    1. – In order to support students’ career development, AIU will enhance exchange events between current students and alumni. Career development lectures and corporate information sessions on campus will be organized.


    1. – Scholarships for current students as well as international students will be enhanced.


    – A humble commemorative ceremony and anniversary events will be organized, too.

Tax Relief for Individuals:
The income tax deduction system enables donors to deduct the donation amount less 2000 yen from the total taxable income for a donation amount of up to 40% of total taxable income.

Tax Relief for Corporations:
It is possible for corporations to deduct the donation amount over and above the allowable limit for deductible expenses for regular donations.


How to donate

【Donation through either Online Banking or through a Financial Institution】
You can wire-transfer your donation directly to AIU’ s 20th Anniversary Project to any of the three accounts listed below through your own online banking service or by visiting a financial institution and using their ATMs. The beneficiary for the following three financial institutions is Monte Cassim, Chair of the Board, Akita International University.

1. Japan Post Bank, Branch number 229, Checking account, Account number: 0123389 for online transactions,
or kigo-bango: 02250-1-123389 for teller/ATM transactions.
2. Akita Bank, Kawabe branch, Branch number 261, Savings account, Account number 1042416
3. Hokuto Bank, Kawabe branch, Branch number 255, Savings account, Account number 8106203

If you wish to donate to AIU from an Akita Bank or a Hokuto Bank, please download a special application form with which your transfer handling fees will be covered by AIU. If you wish to donate to AIU by transferring from a different bank, we ask that you bear the transfer fees.

【Issuing a Receipt for Your Donation】
We will issue you a receipt and send it to your registered mailing address as soon as we have received your donation. Please bear in mind that it may take a few days, or a few months, for the transfer to be complete, depending upon how you donate to AIU. Also, please allow a few days for processing. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at aiu20th@aiu.ac.jp.

*Please carefully note that to avoid any possibility of transfer fraud, our university staff members will never ask or explain how to operate an ATM machine by telephone. Please ask the bank’ s staff for assistance.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

General Affairs Office
Akita International University
